Waterproof spray Protect + Shoe Freshener

Whenever you buy anything, you want it to last as long as possible. It can therefore be both frustrating and expensive when products made from materials like leather, suede or other textiles don’t last as long as you would expect. The best way to ensure your items, such as clothing and shoes, last a long time is by maintaining them properly – that includes cleaning, protecting with waterproof spray and eliminating bad odours.

Waterproof nano coating kit have following features:

  • Water / Oil Repellent / UV Protection
  • Stain repellent / stain release
  • 100% invisible
  • One-for-all solution
  • 100% natural and eco-friendly formula
  • Easy and safe to use. Leaves no stains
  • Elimination of bad odours for up to one month


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Innovative waterproof spray kit with shoe freshener

Have you ever had an expensive pair of shoes or boots that you really loved and thought were going to last a long time? Only to find after a few months of wearing them that due to their exposure to rain, dirt and stains, they deteriorated quicker than you had expected? When that happens, it’s very upsetting and, ultimately, a waste of money. To prevent this loss, we utilized the power of nanotechnology in developing our new GoGoNano Protect aerosol spray.

The spray is a 100% eco-friendly water-based solution that is as safe to use as it is efficient. It can be used on shoes and boots made from various materials including nubuck, suede and textiles. The only material you can’t use it on is natural smooth leather that has an open structure. For leather we recommend using GoGoNano Stay Dry textile & leather super-hydrophobic solution.

Using GoGoNano Protect is very easy. You simply spray it over the shoe from a distance of around 30 cm. If you have a pair of regular shoes, that is non-leather synthetic shoes, a simple spray of Protect is all that suffices. However, for leather shoes and other items, you might need to wipe Protect over the material with a microfiber cloth, to ensure that it works properly. It is completely normal for the material to appear wet after spraying.

For the best results possible it is recommended that you leave the solution to dry completely for at least 24 hours before using your shoes or items again.

Protect provides protection for up to 6 months after it has been applied.

Like all GoGoNano products, Protect has been made with the environment in mind. The formula used is natural, water-based and ecologically sustainable, while the aerosol spray is also nature-friendly, being one of the few of its kind on the market that does not use solvents or gases to dispense the product.

You only get to make a first impression once. Why allow bad odours from your shoes, boots or other items the opportunity to ruin your first impressions? Although leathers, suede and textiles have a naturally appealing scent, they can start to smell after a while. That’s where GoGoNano Fresh comes in.

This brand-new aerosol-based shoe freshener is designed to deal with bad odours. Rather than just functioning as a traditional deodorant, Fresh not only gets rid of the smells but thanks to the probiotics that eat away at the source of bad odours it makes sure the problem is kept at bay at all times.

It’s incredibly easy to use, you just spray Fresh inside your shoes or to get rid of those unpleasant smells that occur when they’ve been on your feet for many hours a day. After spraying, you need to leave it for at least 20 to 30 minutes until it has dried completely. By then, those rotten, unappealing smells have been completely neutralised. The clever part is that when the shoes are taken off and the smell starts to build up again, the probiotics start to work again, eliminating the hideous odours and leaving your shoes fresh again. The effects will last for up to one month, which is a first in the footwear industry.

But don’t limit the usefulness of Fresh to only your shoes – the spray can be used on whatever surfaces that are prone to bad smells.

Like all GoGoNano products, Fresh has been made with the planet and the environment firmly in mind. Therefore, you can use it to keep bad odours at bay without harming the planet.

Waterproof nano coating kit contains following productss:
1 x GoGoNano Eco-Friendly Protect For Shoes & Fashion 170ml
1 x GoGoNano Fresh – Dual Function Shoe Freshener, 150ml

Weight 0.400 kg


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